CorelDraw file cannot be opened

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No avatar asked by (160 points) about CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
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I have CorelDraw on several computers in my office. Quite often we send files to make sure that images are up to standard. However, on the computers that don't have CorelDraw we can't open the files. I'm trying to find a program or a way of viewing the files on these computers. Please don't suggest buying CorelDraw ($350.00 US) as it is too expensive and will not be used on these computers. We have downloaded the trials, but they will eventually expire and we will be stuck again. Does anyone know a way we can view CorelDraw files, or a way that we can convert them to open them with Windows previewer etc.?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (460 points)
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Best answer

This might not help with your current problem but do you have an auto-backup configured? It is located at Tools->options -> (workspace) -> Save. You can set the elapsed time between backups (e.g. 10 minutes) as well as the destination folder. If you actually have it set you could look in the destination folder and see if there is a backup there. If not, consider setting it up for future use. You can also set it to make a backup upon saving the file.

There is something corrupted with the file as it has been saved that Corel won't open it. Maybe there is a chance that another software that can import CorelDraw files might overlook the glitch and try to import the rest. Depends on what part of the file is corrupted.

If instrument above didn't help, you would need to identify what may have caused the file corruption. Possible causes could include: • Document was corrupted / not saved due to the program crashing or hanging • Saving large files to a network drive. • Documents created in earlier versions of CorelDraw® are no longer accessible

In case nothing assisted you, apply professional software for CorelDraw images CorelDraw Repair Toolbox

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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There is a way to view CDR files for free. With the help of an application called simply CDR Viewer. As you can see in the image below, you will have the possibility of opening CDR files without having CorelDraw installed.

Download application:


enter image description here

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