Not working with Framework 4.

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asked by about Digimoto
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I have installed DM5 on a Windows 7 32 and 64 bit, and I have the same error each time. When I've got more info, it said to downgrade to Framework 2, and it also told that the company works to solve the problem with Framework 4. Is it possible to have Digimoto that is will work with Framework 4?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Downgrading NET Framework could cause serious problems to the applications installed on your computer. However, it seems that uninstalling is the recommended way, but additional clean-up is required.

You need to use the Clean-up tools available on the MSDN website. Download the package and run it after you've uninstalled the product.

After this procedure, download Net Framework 2.0:

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