Change font in Epic Hyperspace.

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asked by about Epic Hyperspace
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I need to increase overall font size in Epic Hyperspace for Billing. How do I do that?

4 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Since no information is provided for the application, I recommend going to the built-in Help menu. Go to Help > Help Topics and look for ways to change the font size. I have tried looking for help manuals or user guides, but none was found for this process. The Help menu is the only thing you can use to change the font size.

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Several factors contribute to display issues in Hyperspace. A workstation's Windows configuration, screen resolution, and Internet Explorer settings can make it difficult to see or access parts of Hyperspace. This section describes some common display problems and how to fix them. The Hyperspace window is cut off

On screens with the resolution set to 1024 x 768 pixels or lower, some activities and buttons can be cut off if the user resizes the Hyperspace window.

To fix this, tell the user to go to Epic button > Personalize > Reset Size and Position and select the check box next to Reset size and position settings for all display configurations. Then click Accept.

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In some of the older versions of EPIC, you can click on Ctrl and the + symbol

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Try using CTRL, ALT, and the " + " or " - " symbol to maximize/minimize the wording on the screen

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Thank you for this Nina!!!! Was just searching Epic for 30min to find it on a toolbar!

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