No, there is no available driver for the X86BDA device. I have checked all the possible websites, but none have found. This means you will have to do it manually. If the driver works on Windows 7, then there is a chance it will work on Windows 8 as well.
To do this, you will have to disable Driver Enforcement in Windows 8. Have the driver files ready for installation. To disable the mentioned feature, press Windows + C > PC Settings > Update and Recovery > Recovery > Advanced Startup > Restart Now > Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Option 7. Reboot the PC and connect the device. Go to Device Manager (Start > Run > devmgmt.msc), right click it, and choose Update Driver. Select it manually and point the installer to the folder where the INF files are. Complete the operation and reboot the PC, and it should work.