Bot to access/display .txt file.

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I'm using Foobar (music playing program like Winamp) and when I play a song that song group and title is written in a .txt file.

Would it be possible for AnhkBot to access and write the information in the text file in IRC chat?

!song Song playing atm is D:\Streaming\Text Files\song.txt

So in this example the text file would contain the following information "U2 - One".

The !song command should write the following in IRC chat: Song playing atm is U2 - One

!song Song playing atm is D:\Streaming\Text Files\song.txt

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

I have checked the official documentation and there was nowhere mentioned about !Song command. No, the bot doesn't have the possibility to display the currently playing song on IRC chat.

Access the PDF manual to read about the supported features and commands:

To display what you're currently playing, try using AMIP.

0 votes
answered by

Ankhbot should have that built in, use $currentsong as output. You can try using Current song: $currentsong, requested by $requestedby. Example output: Current song: Showtek - We Like To Party (Original Mix), requested by martmists.

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