How to recover corrupted Word files?

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No avatar asked by (160 points) about Microsoft Office Word
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Recently I have been digging for old Word (2013) files and I have found that some of them are corrupted. How this happened is a mystery to me, and if someone could comment I would appreciate it.

However, what I am concerned with is recovering some of them. Whereas some I can let go without much issue, others are very important. I would appreciate any help in recovering them, either with procedures I am yet unfamiliar with, or using specific software. Free would be preferable, but if best-in-class is pay and I need it, I'll buy it.

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (460 points)
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Best answer

I have tried the following:

  • Several "text" recovery programs.
  • I have tried using word to repair and open the documents
  • I have tried opening the documents in several other text browsers - ie. Notepad, wordpad etc
  • I have tried using winzip, winrar and 7zip to retreive text
  • I have tried changing options in word to attempt to open the document as a draft.
  • I have tried to use word to "insert text" from the document

Added resources which might be helpful...

0 votes
No avatar answered by (329k points)

If the files haven't been used recently, then the only thing you can try is an application able to recover the files from that partition since the temporary files created by Word can't be used for such a long time. Download and install Recuva then use the wizard and select the Documents category. Select the partition where the files are stored and then initiate the scan. After it completes, you will see recoverable files with a green mark. Those files can be saved. To repair the Word files, use an application available through the database of Software Informer.

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