The uTorrent is a slim application that allows you to download torrent containers in form of .torrent files. Those files contain information about a public tracker, that holds information about seeders (users who already have the content) and peers (users who are currently downloading the content.). The uTorrent uses P2P technology. For example, you have a 1 GB file that has been created as a torrent and it's available on a user's computer. That user creates a .torrent file and embeds data about the file: size, tracker URL, seeds, peers. Once the .torrent file is added to uTorrent, that user makes the file available worldwide. Any other users downloading the .torrent file will begin to receive chunks of the 1 GB data. If there are many users, the uTorrent client will get a part of the entire file from each of the available users. It's like a web of computers that communicate with each other. Everyone who has the file provides it to downloading for others who are connected to the web.