How to convert a .pdc to a .pdf?

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I need to convert a.pdc file to .pdf or word format. How can I do it ?

6 Answers

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answered by (100k points)
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PDC is a protected file format used by Lizard Safeguard. Because the files has been encrypted with a software from the same corporation then the decryption is made with a tool of theirs. I have tried a sample file by myself using a custom software and the result was not so accurate at all instead I was recommended that I should use LockLizard. Download a trial version of the software (even it's in trial mode, the software fully works) and install it from the location you saved it and start it from your desktop or from the Start Menu. When the LockLizard application starts click File > Open> Choose the encrypted PDC file. Sometimes it uses a password for decryption and you should contact the person who issued the file in order to get the descrption password. Then click Unlock, type the password in case it has one and wait for the conversion to finish. After this process the file is in a proper PDF file format.

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Here is a step by step instruction to unlock .pdc files to pdf file.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Tried this and every other suggestion I could find on the net, I have not been able to find a way to convert a PDC back to PDF. Some suggestions are just rubbish, for example Locklizard don't use passwords. Fortunately I downloaded the suggestions to a sandbox as when I checked all they did was install a Trojan. Some people have nothing better to do with their time.

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Here's the only way you can do this on Windows:

  1. Go to your printers
  2. Locate the Microsoft Print to PDF
  3. Right click and choose printer properties.
  4. Click Change Properties
  5. Rename this to a legit sounding printer. I chose HP Color LaserJet CP4025/DMMY, adding DMMY to remind myself it's a dummy printer
  6. Open the PDC file.
  7. Click Print
  8. Select the dummy printer you created and print
  9. You will now have a PDF version of your PDC file. If it is a large text, it will take a long time.
  10. You will have to close the PDC file before you can open the PDF file.
commented by (100 points)
Have you actually done this with an encrypted Lizardlock FDC file recently?
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answered by

Doesn't work! Anyother method? The print option gives only grey not accessible options, no matter which pdf writer we use or a even printer. Any help pronto would be hugely helpful. Thanks!

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print option is not active in my pdc file

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