WinRPG Personal Edition

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about WinRPG-Personal Edition
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I have been working 30-years on computers S/3, S/38, AS/400 and iSeries. Recently I developed an application, which covers the fields of distribution, finance and analyses. The application runs on iSeries, but I would like to offer it to smaller clients, which are for financial reasons unable to buy iSeries system. I noticed on the Internet, that you offer feasibility to develop and execute iSeries applications in Windows or Linux environment. It will be interesting for me to know what do I need to develope and execute »green screen« application (which has cca. 800.000 statements of source code, written for iSeries Model 800, with operating system version 5.3), written in CLLE and RPGLE programs without ILE, in Windows or Linux environment. Customers expect screens to be in graphical design (Windows like) and the possibility to run application on the Internet or Intranet.

The application is written conventionally, but has some possibilities, which are described below:

  • »Date« type fields in DDS files,

  • Build-in function (%found, %eof, %error, %subst, …),


I am kindly asking you for following information:

1 Does your solution WinRPG Personal Edition support functions previosly described? 2. What are system requirements? 3 Do you have trial version? 4. What is the price? 5. What are payment and delivery conditions?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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Unfortunately, the WinRPG application isn't available anymore. This is just the name of an entry, because the official website of WinRPG is not online. If you try to access it, a Page not found will be displayed. You will have to look for another application, because it's practically impossible to provide an in-depth answer based on your request.

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