Common File for all converted ebooks from Kotobee.

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asked by about Kotobee Publisher
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When we convert a book from Kotobee software, a folder is made which includes index.php file. I believe it's the starting file when the folder loads.

My question was if I can make a common index.php file for all books folder by giving the respective paths to the folder paths.

e.g var s1 = new SWFObject("path", "single", "100%", "100%", "11.9.0");

Will it work if I give a dynamic absolute path to books folder from a single PHP file?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

You need to open the INDEX.PHP file to see exactly what it contains. You can do this with a common text editor. Opening the file should give you an overview on how the books are defined to the database, then you can use a simple example presented in the book to multiply it. The above function is correct, but you will have to see if the PHP file uses it.

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