I want to buy this program (K media for Karaoke clubs) but I'm having issues with payments.

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asked by about K Media Center For Karaoke Clubs
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I'm a Brazilian and I want to buy this program (K media for Karaoke clubs) but I'm having some issues to do a payment. Could someone contact me?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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The website uses PayPal as a method to buy the products. The PayPal account is free to use, but it needs to be verified in order to make payments. The verification process involves verifying the credit card or the bank account. Create an account on Paypal's website, then access the menu bar presented on the account's interface to add a credit card or a bank account. You also need to have a certain amount of money to buy the application.

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Hi Robert, thanks for your answer.. But this developer "Mudegang" is not confiable. I bought this software, did teh payment, and i was release to download the full program.. when i was install, teh software request that i send an identification number for the developer "Mudegang" with this ID and after that i will receive a activation key..

But this developer "Mudegan" is not answer my e-mails and not send this Activation code.

Users, don´t buy this product and take care with software with this developer "Mudegan".

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