Running "CompugraphX 100 Plus Hatch Patterns" on AutoCAD 2014 version.

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asked by about CompugraphX 100 Plus Hatch Patterns
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I've been using for a long time the"100 Hatches" v.6 version. Though originally bought to run with 32 bit AutoCad2000 version, I've been able to re-install it in newer versions (now I'm running it on AutoCAD 2010 32bit version), but upgrading to AutoCAD 2014 64bit, I couldn't install it anymore, I couldn't even find those "acad.pat / acadiso.pat / acad.mnu" to be overwritten by the "100 Hatches" files. As I don't want to loose the wide patterns variety provided by "100 Hatches" while using AutoCad 2014 64 bit, what should I do? This latest version 10 will be able to run on it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Version 10 won't be compatible with the AutoCAD 2014 on 64bit. You will have to acquire version 11 which is compatible with 32 and 64bit versions of AutoCAD 2014 and 2015. Visit the official website, and use the following email address to buy the product, as specified. You can find more information on the page:

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