Turboflix free trial.

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asked by about Turbo VPN
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I tried to register on Turboflix, which was in a Facebook add, for the free trial to give it a try, but now it won't let me access my account. I can't even contact anyone to cancel it or even get in online to cancel it myself.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

Since there is no actual information about a support page, I recommend contacting the developers to the only email address listed on their website. On another hand, I recommend staying away from websites like the one you used because they look like spam, meaning that it's too good to be true.

However, I managed to register and to avoid any other complications, use the following DNS servers to access NETFLIX, as stated on their page:

Go to Start > Run > Ncpa.cpl then right click your network adapter > Properties > IPV4 > DNS.

Email address: hello@turboflix.com

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