Hi! We had to get a new computer and I don't know how to install our Presto! Forms on the new one. Can you help me?

+1 vote
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Hi! We had to get a new computer, and I don't know how to install our Presto! Forms on the new one. Can you help me?

Thanks, Lisa

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (140 points)

thank you for your advice,have a good day

–1 vote
answered by (100k points)
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Presto! Forms is computer software which is run on a Httpd server. For the good functionality of the software, the server has to be configured properly for the Presto client to work under optimal conditions. Installing Presto! Forms requires extensive knowledge because the process implies another installation and configuration of IBM components and Exodus sub-system. Developers provided a guide on how to set-up both the client and the server using minimal commands.

After you configured the server, it's time to install the client. Usually the client comes as a simple Windows application with its own installer. If you have the client, run it from its location and use the on-screen instructions. After the installation finished, you will get a message saying No server has been configured, the configuration window will now open. When this message prompts, another window will open asking you to fill a few forms with Presto Server data for a successful Server Link connection then use the client for your own needs.

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