Arcsoft TotalMedia HDCam provided with ViewSonic 3D video camera.

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asked by about ArcSoft TotalMedia HDCam
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I have sold a ViewSonic 3D videocamera in which the ArcSoft TotalMedia HDCam software is provided. When I install this software, it appears an error message who indicate that the installing file is corrupted. How can I fix this problem? Where can I find a right working file for a correct installation software?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There is information about the software, but it doesn't appear to be available from downloading. In this case, the only thing you can do is to contact the ArcSoft company and obtain a demo or a trial.

Use the following support page:

0 votes
answered by

Hi mr. Hill, I have already contacted ArcSoft Company about this problem and they told me to write you because the software is an OEM version, so you have modified it for your porpose. At this link you can read their answer:

So, as in ArcSoft instructions, please fix me the problem. Many thanks. Fabio.

commented by (329k points)
According to their answer, the manufacturer (Viewsonic) has a contract with them to provide support for OEM products. I am not affiliated with the manufacturer or an official representative. I am here by passion to offer support for other users. You will have to contact Viewsonic in this case:

Based on the ArcSoft answer, they are the ones who can solve this.

Thank you!

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