How to send a text file from DOS to print to USB port?

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asked by (120 points)
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Actually all bar-code printers come with bar-code designing software and a utility/tools to generate the script for the design of the bar-code. The script generated is ASCII text with ASCII code / sequence for firmware to directly print barcode on the bar-code label without any installation of utility or DLL etc.

So far all the PCs used to have Parallel port or COM port, but now new PCs come with only USB port and new bar-code printers also come with USB support only, so how to print the bar-code script through DOS command line or open command used so far. "Open For Output As #1"

Looking for answer to my question.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (100k points)
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It seems that this problem is a common thing among the users on the Internet and many faced it without a proper solution until some programs were developed to solve this problem. You can use a tool like Dos2Usb as a solution to your request which has everything you need from color printing to port selection, margins adjustment, code printing for language support and much more. I am providing you with a link to the official manual because the configuration is explained with pictures for easy understanding.

commented by (120 points)
First Thanks,
Nice tool, but I want to incorporate in my application as I need to send dynamic data to print dynamic barcode, may be call function from api or dll..
0 votes
answered by (140 points)

one another good utility is PrintDOS. you can print on any usb printer using PrintDOS. you can set ICON also in dos printing. all configuration are displayed in website. this is easiest way to print from dos application to any usb printer. you can download PrintDOS from this link

you can print barcoded file using this software just set you folder path to application and software print the recent saved file to USB printer as per your printer settings.

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