Conversion from .sam to .docx.

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asked by about MasterSoft Multi Converter
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Will this software convert Lotus Amipro 3.1 (.sam)files to Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx)?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

No, the software doesn't allow you to convert .sam files to Word file format. According to the official information, the application is used to convert between known image files. Unfortunately, the SAM extension is not supported. Microsoft Word 2003 is capable of opening the SAM files without any add-ons. It will give you a security warning when tried to open, but the file should have its contents displayed right away. Further versions of Word are not compatible with the SAM file format.

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*I am using MS Windows 10 and Word 365. If one gives Admin rights to winword.exe, you may open sam file with word, accept warning pop up and ami pro will convert sam to doc / docx file. Drawback: the preview pane for word documents will not be shown. I use this procedure since some years. Note: Install the file converter AmiPro (G This converter is offered on various web sites. The latest version will do it. It goes with 32 bit and 64 bit version.

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