How do I start my LG-E460 after having uninstalled the Network Diagnostics Tool application?

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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I uninstalled the Network Diagnostics Tool application from my LG-E460 smartphone and now the phone hard resets. Is the justification in the absence of that application?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Yes, it's possible because if the application was used by System and now that it's uninstalled, it creates a conflict. Since there is a system backup only accessible by system kernel, you can hard reset the phone again and the application will be restored, however, it's recommended to keep it next time you plan to remove apps from your phone. Install Titanium Backup in free mode and then you can use what applications can be removed based on their color: yellow and green is OK, red is not recommended.

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Thanks for the response. The Smartphone was delivered to Worten for repair under warranty because it never took off. Pressing the Power Sound + keys download android appeared the doll but in the end nothing happened and went back to the LG logo without more. Masi report that had installed Titanium Backup app but never interfered with him.

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