Clients don't appear in the server's client list.

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No avatar asked by (120 points)
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When I shut down all my computers(with the clients) and turn all it on again, the clients are not appearing on the Handycafe server screen. I have connected server to clients already but the clients are not appearing on the server screen when I turn off, unplug, and turned the server on again. What should I do? My server is a laptop.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)
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It's very likely possible that something installed on your computer is preventing the server to discover the clients on other computers. First turn off the firewall or add the server to the exception list. You can do this using Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > (left side) Allow a program through Firewall. Add the software, then restart it. Additionally, if you're using a router or switch, make sure to keep it plugged to a power outlet all the time.

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