I am looking for a SKF to DWG converter application.

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I am looking for a SKF to DWG converter application. Can anyone help?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

There isn't a direct way to convert the SKF files to DWG, but it's possible with a little trick. First install the free image editor called XnView then Ghostscript for Windows. Open the SKF file and export the file to PDF. You can use Tools > Batch Processing. With the file opened, select PDF and save the file, then use a PDF to DWG converter and you will have your file converted from SKF to PDF.

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For vector-based SKF files, this will not give a satisfactory result. XnView can only handle bitmap files, so will only convert the bitmap preview included in the skf file. This leads to very blocky results.

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