... give you access to your files. As you can see on ... [web page][2], you can recover your files if you start your computer ...

answered by Protocol of Emergency National Instead S
File comdlg32.ocx doesn't exists. There is only a comdlg32.dll...
By the way, select all is ctrl + e, no ctrl + a

answered by anonymous
Just Simple Yar.........Just Delete In The Easy Folder Data In C/; And Re Install....

answered by anonymous
Thanks so much for this information. It worked like a charm, and I am most grateful. Thank you again!

Oh sorry if you face any problem. Just simply e-mail me at wantedlordshaw@gmail.com

... directory where you installed file locker. Like C:Program FilesEasy File Locker
Take notepad. Then ... filelocker.
Reinstall File locker. It will work. Put a new password and enjoy. You ...