Does samsung galaxy tab have video star?

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you can use MXplayer or VLC player for Android.   more
TunesKit AceMovi is a similar video editor app to Video Star for Android. It is ... 2021)  more
VideoFX Live is similar to video star app.  more
yeah and its called Alight motion its a really good app for android and its the most closest thing to AE (compared to other video editing app on android)  more
There's a really good app called Filmorago if you look it up on YouTube Mady Vivian shows you how to make slow mo musical.lys   more
I think power director or cute cut are some good apps  more
Cute cut works, you will need pro version to remove the watermark. You can do spinning effect, slide, split, corner slide, etc. You can also create your own colorings  more
There is an app called kine master its the only app that has come close to video star  more
Video Fx is good but if you want music do a voice memo of your fave song and its just like video star !! Hope you enjoy it guys ! xx  more
Hi everyone! I know a rlly good app :) it's cqlled Vivavideo it's very good to make mv:s! :3 hope this helps! ;3  more
Have you tried these? a red karaokevideo editor b video cam illusion c red karaoke  more
VIDEOFX is the best alternative to video star ;)  more
There is a good one called Videofx! It's quite similar.   more
There's one called VideoFX its pretty good but I wish we had Video Star on android!!!!!  more
Use Magisto or VivaVideo. They are both great , i have them both :D  more
there is a reveres cam app its cool try it  more
There is and app called video fx its so much better and nearly as good a video star I wish we had the same apps because video star is so good  more
my phone a Samsung infuse wont let me downluad magisto is there any others  more
I also use videoFX for android. It's close To video star but to get all if the backgrounds ( it comes with about 25) you have to pay I think 99 cents. Hope this helps!  more
... them are as good as Video Star but if I had to choose ... VideoFX :) Hopefully we will have Video Star on Androids soon :)  more
I tried magisto and it hasn't for me so I came here with hope but guess it didn't help me at all  more
Snapmovie is a bit similar to video star I just wish apple apps where in android app store  more
you could try videoFX its like video star  more
Video fx and for music use tubidy it works well People say tubidy makes your phone crash but I've had it for ages and it hasn't yet  more
There is an app call videofx. It is very similar to video star :) hope I helped you (;   more
There is one exactly like Video star and that is Appsgeyser, hope it helps xx  more
there is an app called videofx. its what i use and its pretty much the exact same xxx  more
Video fx is good because it ... it's not as good as video star but if you are looking ...   more
What about Videofx, its kind of like VideoStar  more
... BAM! you have made a music video!! Now you can share it ...   more
Well there is an App Called Animoto and it is like VideoStar I Recommended You Guys To Get This App!  more
I tried an app called videoFX and it works exactly like video star. And now you can pause it and delete sections. You can also make it into little chunks if you click on the clock in the corner.  more
Video fx !!! is the same as video star a bit on android try that kk!! it is the best.... I use it!  more
Well there is video fx, exactly the same as video star, best wishes, i hope ... too cause i wanted something like video star too and i found this from ...   more
Try video fx music live . Its exactly like video star . Plus it has really cool effects  more
Closest to Video Star is try it, its actually the closest one to the apple video star. tell me what you think  more
... 't have the high performance video hardware/software that Video Star needs. Best bet ...   more
Try VideoFX i just downloaded it !!it s really similar!! Hope.this helps!  more
... identical. You can create amazing videos with special effects for your ... favorite music tracks. Make videos that you'll be proud ...   more
I know right but there is a new video fx but you have to pay £2 for the good effects x  more
Try VideoFxLive, it's new and a fantastic app! You'll enjoy!!  more
there's an app called videofx that it really similar!! hope this helps!  more
VideoFX is very cool, but you have to have your own music :/  more
I have video fx, I think that it works a bit like videostar however about 12 of the good effects are locked :( Hope it helps!  more
when will the latest effects to Denmark help MIG! answers tak  more
It might come out I dont know but Android dosent have the software it needs your best bet is to try and get your hands on a apple product xx  more
Since Video Star is not available for Android ...   more
Its so annoying!! Even magisto nots good enough, i have an ipod touch but its 3 rd generation so cant get it!  more
There's a app called video fx and for the android and its the exact same . Hope you find it :)  more
theres an app called video fx, its really good  more
... can apple let andriod have video star im desperate i ordered a ipod touch ... a camera i only bought it for video star but it dosent have it ...   more
I tried magisto and I dont think itd to good  more
I know it's so annoying but I'll try magisto or whatever :) thanks  more
Im so sad there is know video star its my favourite app there is one app caleed ucam it ok but android needs to have the same apps as apple. i want an iphone really bad.  more
It really annoys me how there is no video star on android but there is an app called video fx which I think is like it  more
There's no VIDEO STAR APP in android its only for apple (ipod,iphone, or iPad) but this app is like VIDEO STAR (Magisto or Andromedia) it is Video Editor :) hope this helps. ! :D  more
believe they can put video star for android? is a very good application and I need it ...  more
There are no apps on Android quite like video star. These 'alternatives' that you have suggested are good enough apps although they do not compare to video star. I just want video star for Android.  more
... However if you don't want a video that is up to 55 ...   more
What apps can you put music to and pause and stop on the middle of filming and it will keep the music at the same time? Wamt to do a video edit of a song like on video star but I can't .....  more
Magisto sounds good;), going to try that&if that isn't any good going to try video cam illusion;)!  more
Magisto is crap no offense. But yes, try videocam illusion. (:  more
Its true, android need to pack it in and get their sh*t together, i thought they wanted to be better than apple?  more
... and you have to do a video in a whole long one not ... little chunks :( SO bad :( I mailed video star on Facebook, and they said ... on! Not expecting an android video star anytime soon though :(  more
android dont have video star but there is a good app called magisto its really good. :)  more
Guys, there's an app called Magisto that is kinda like video star ;)  more
apple always get the better apps then android :(  more
Android really needs too get the same apps as Apple this is really annoying! i want a pheed soooooo bad but no i want a iphone im tired of this!  more
i'm so sad about this! but i'm going to check out video cam illusion..! if you want i will tell you how it is..!  more
I'm really annoyed that there is no viseostar  more
I have an Android tablet and it´s true there´s not VIDEO STAR, but there are other apps that you can use, hope you find something, good luck!  more
There are three apps I think will help 1- red karaoke 2-video cam illusion 3-video editor I hope it helps!  more

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