answered by Jordan
You can download adobe flash for 3ds just download silverlight on your tablet you will need a usb port to go into the side of it and download it for your nintendo 3ds there problem solved

answered by JohnntSpaceWalker54321
there is a FREE utube app on 3ds but... you can't comment

answered by anonymous
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 Free Download thanks here

answered by anonymous
mother f****er stupid dame site
just tortureing us for the hell of it huh?
adummy flass player is what u should be called ›:(

answered by anonymous
honestly, i can watch you tube on my cheap flip phone, but not my 3ds. i want to ’’DR OCTIGONAPUS BLAAAAAAAA ’’ right in nintendo's and adobe's face. that is how mad i am about this!

answered by anonymous
no u cant do no matter wht u do STUPID INTERNET :(

answered by anonymous
you cant. sorry im on my 3ds now typing this. i couldn't download it. sorry guys.
yeah. i know. its stupid.

answered by anonymous
I get on adobe flash player try to download it says ''File Cannot Be Loaded''.F ADOBE FLASH PLAYER,F NINTENDO TOO!

answered by anonymous
I have tried to download flashplayer on my nintendo 3ds but it didn't work?! :( age 12

answered by anonymous

answered by anonymous
yeah it sucks. you can do it if you hack ur 3DS however but that cud break it(really want youtube) ~DaFudge 14

answered by anonymous
I have asked the same question but it seems like U just carn't down load it sorry from Charlotte Neale age 24 :(

answered by anonymous
i sorry but the flashplayer will not work i would try calling the number on the back of your 3DS and talk to them. i sorry to let ypu down but it wont work but im not afraid to take a stand everybody ...

answered by anonymous
srry there is NO WAY it will work like youtube or videos on line wont work stupid nintendo needs to make it work whats the point of having the enternet on 3DS if you cant go youtube

answered by anonymous
awww man really and r u guys sure there isn't any other kind of thingy that can be downloaded so i can watch videos? :( FROM: Kate <3

answered by anonymous
well i think you got 2 go 2 utube nd click inSTALL ADOBE FLASH PLAYER AND IF DAT DONT WORK THEN IDK FU NINTENDO

answered by anonymous
sorry to let you down but the sofware only allows certain websites and adobe flash player is not one of them so it looks like you have to say good by to the awsome websites like utube and etc. :ª·(

You just can't. Adobe Flash Player is not supported by 3DS devices. That's why popular sites such as YouTube or Windows Live are not viewable.

answered by anonymous
Well, you can't, I've tried it a thousand million times so it's useless.