How to solve bluestacks problem?

You may find the answer in the thread:

... that worked for me. Uninstall Bluestacks using control panel. Install BlueStacksHDAppPlayerProsetupREL ... .exe After it installs Bluestacks will run. Quit out of ...   more
try to import .apk file in bluestack then install it.  more
I tried nox player6 and it doesn't work on a Mac  more
use nox player6 its a lot more advanced then bluestacks they figured out there issues at least  more
i did all the above process..i didn't find any is still crashing..  more
I am current on updates, after 8 to 10 restarts it finally works. its a pain but a least I do not have to uninstall/reinstall   more
hey friends try to run bluestacks by the adminstration....sometimes its work  more
i had the same problem,try Run as administrator   more
I cant even play tapped out it just gives me a green screen.....  more
BlueStacksHDAppPlayerProsetupREL.exe>> BlueStacks-ThinInstaller_0.7.0.722.exe>>  more
Why does Bluestacks keep freezing when i open it? ... help, I want to use bluestacks really bad but this problem keeps occurring.  more
Where can I where can i Install BlueStacksHDAppPlayerProsetupREL.exe FOR MAC???  more
this isn't working, i've tried EVERITHING, but nothing works!  more
Try running the installation program as an administrator when you install it.   more
... user full control over the BlueStacks program files folder and I've ...   more
Where can I download BlueStacksHDAppPlayerProsetupREL.exe?  more
I face a similar problem. I am having 2GB of internal memory but bluestacks displays that it needs 2GB of internal memory and won't install on my PC.  more
do the contacts stay after reinstall ? I want to make sure the contacts stay as I have many of them. thanks  more
I've got The Simpsons Tapped Out on my Bluestacks and it keeps crashing everytime i sign in.  more
what about files saved on there though from whatsapp?  more
... Problem though is that after a few minutes, it shows an error "Bluestacks ... Frontend stopped working .." Any way of solving this?  more
I'd say there's an issue with your antivirus and bluestacks emulator not loading!  more
... apps, shutdown Bluestacks and restart Bluestacks several times. 6 Shutdown Bluestacks (including ... Stopped and restarted Bluestacks several times with no "Loading..." problem. 9. Hibernated and ...   more
... running applications when you install Bluestacks.  more

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