Internet Connection information.

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I am unable to access Internet both by wireless or a cable connection. Whereas the access of net is good with a plugged in SIM connection (Quick NET). Why am I not able to get the wireless or cable Internet connection? Please let me have the help to check this.

I get a message that there is a problem in my Toshiba Mobile Broadband Device. My operating system is Windows Vista. Earlier it was working good with Vista. Also, there is no problem when I work with Windows 7 in this system.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

Vista is a version of Windows that was created with many flaws and errors and compatibility issues. If you have problems with your Internet connection, go to Device Manager and make sure the drivers are installed because in most of the cases, the errors are caused by the lack of drivers or drivers corruption. Reinstall the drivers for Wireless and LAN and then you should be able to connect to the Internet.

To access Device Manager go to Start > Run > devmgmt.msc.

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