How to minimize the application?

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asked by about Easy Malayalam
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Can you tell me how to minimize the Easy Malayalam 1.0 application while we are working on different files?

7 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

Since the application doesn't have a minimize button, the trick to move it off the screen is by keeping the right click on the interface and then move it away. This is the only way to move its windows because minimize is not possible. If you use Windows XP, right click the window in the taskbar and select Minimize.

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No avatar answered by (180 points)
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USE wIN+D OR USE actual window minimizer

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answered by

just move your mouse and arrow then point in the taskbar minimize and left click

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

just click the minimize button that's it.

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No avatar answered by (960 points)

You can press Win + D together to minimize all application.

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answered by (420 points)

If the window didnt close automatically after code converted, then you'd better move ur mouse cursor to the task bar, n right click on the tag, then select "minimize it".

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answered by

vey easy just click minimize icon thats ok

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