Can someone receive your message even if he went offline on his status?

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asked by about Viber Messenger
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I have this contact on Viber that went offline. I knew it because there's no written on his status just his name. Though he was offline, I received message from him, but when I replied he doesn't seem to receive my message because there's nowhere written "Delivered" below my message. So does it means he cannot receive my message because he's offline or just his WiFi was off?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered by

use hike messenger for offline msg

  1. open hike messenger
  2. press option then setting
  3. and click on hiking
  4. now you can send msg on no if second party is offline

my no - 8769478433 email-

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answered by

It means he/she turned off his/her "Seen" status, and also disabled the "Online" status. Both are in Settings under Privacy

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

You shouldn't rely on the Delivered status to check if the message arrived or has been opened. This is actually confirmed by the developers of Viber application. And of course, his WiFi might be off. However, the user will read the message when it will connect to the Internet. Then, the message will have two check marks and Delivered assigned.

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