Adapt user interface?

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asked by about CW Decoder
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I need to find out if its possible to change the user interface for this (or similar program). Or more to the point if someone can accomplish this for me and let me know how difficult it is and how much they might charge.

REASON: I need to input a single (vintage) Morse key and on the screen I need only 3 things. A box to display the decoded text letter by letter. A Delete Last Letter button and a Clear All button. Perhaps on a background image? The key and screen would be a place in a museum as an interactive exhibit so people could simply approach the key ant try and spell words using Morse code. Simply that.

A couple of other functions that would be handy if possible would be a timeout for the displayed word - in case of Rude! stuff! and maybe a function that could trigger the playing of a sound clip if a correct word was inputted?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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There is no possible way to modify the application based on your needs. Although the program is free to use, there is no source code available for modifying. Most likely, if you want a customized version of the program, you will have to pay for it. The easiest way to obtain information is by contacting the developer at the primary address. Visit the contact page and use the e-mail to contact him.

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