I have to package this application with custom settings and obviously with a silent install in order to deploy by SCCM 2012.
I just found some parameters to install it but I'm really not pretty sure how to use them.
For example there are 3 options and I just want to install the client so the property for that is: BTNCLIENTORSERVERORBOTH=1 according to the MSI Tables but if I put it on my cmd it will not bypass the question so I had to modify the property by myself directly on the table to set =1 as by default is =3 >> Server and Client install.
msiexec /i Setup.msi /qn ALLUSERS=1 BTNCLIENTORSERVERORBOTH=1 /lv /lv C:\Logs\EditPackage4.0Visa.log
For ALLUSERS=1 it works but before it finish the install it will prompt to set the Server Name, Server Folder and Port and there's no such setting for it on the Tables. Unless there's a custom action I didn't noticed.
Any info will be appreciated.