Add partition space to another partition

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asked by (120 points)
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I have a Windows 7 computer and use four partitions to store different data like system files/folders, games, videos, files and songs, etc. But recently, the system partition needs extending for a low disk space problem. However, I don’t know how to add the free space of the rest partitions to this system partition. How can I do that?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (25.4k points)
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If you search in the Software Informer application database, you can find there a wide variety of freeware and shareware programs with the feature that you are looking for. Furthermore, Google can be of great help for your needs.

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No avatar answered by (140 points)

Back up all important partitions and use third-party partition resizing tool to add enough free space to your system partition, like IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free, GParted, EaseUS Partition Master, etc.

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No avatar answered by (940 points)

Methods to solve "Low Disk Space" :

  1. Cleanup - Remove unnecessary programs or rubbish that eat up your disk space, which definitely could free up centain amount of disk space.

  2. Extend your partition. To extend partition with free partition manager software to resize partition is the easy and efficient way. You can extend your partition as you wish and not need to worry about data loss.

Here is how to extend system partition

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