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When I run a game, it said "WNASPI32.DLL IS LOST".(WIN7 64) help please

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (9.6k points)
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There are a lot of potential reasons for WNASPI32.DLL errors.

Most common solutions that you could try would be:

  • reinstall the game;

  • use System Restore to undo recent system changes;

  • run a virus/malware scan of your system;

  • update the drivers for hardware devices that might be related to wnaspi32.dll. If, for example, you're receiving a "The file wnaspi32.dll is missing" error when you play a 3D video game, try updating the drivers for your video card;

  • roll back a driver to a previously installed version if wnaspi32.dll errors began after updating a particular hardware device's driver

and so on.

commented by (100 points)
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