My school uses Pronote but it's in French. I need instructions in English. Can you help me?

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asked by about INDEX EDUCATION - Client PRONOTE
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My school uses Pronote but it's in French. I need instructions in English. Can you help me?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)

The problem is that this software does not have English language support. The only available languages are Italian and French. Unfortunately, there is no way to obtain the program or instructions in English.

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The mobile app follows your phone's default!

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No avatar answered by (180 points)
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My school also uses Pronote, but it's in French, which creates challenges. School can be tough, and these language barriers can hinder our educational process. Thankfully, resources like provide valuable assistance, helping students overcome difficulties and maintain success in the academic arena.

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Hello, Pronote as of now is available in English! I was skeptical and even had the same problem, but luckily enough, the platform (both web and mobile) is available in English. All you have to do is (assuming your language is set to French right now):

  • Go to Mes Données, in the top right corner in the web version and on the hamburger menu on mobile
  • Click on "Style et Accesabilité"
  • Under "Personnalisation", there is "Langue", there, click on "English"

Now you'll have to confirm to reload the page, say "Oui", and there you go!

However, if what you are talking about is the language of the assignments and texts added by teachers, then I suggest using a browser with a built-in translator, which would translate everything.

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