I have PSL Mahjongg v1.0.0.5 on old computer. I like the game 888. I have a new computer but don't have my original disc to load it. How can I get new version of 888? Is it possible?

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I have PSL Mahjongg v1.0.0.5 on old computer. I like the game 888. I have a new computer but don't have my original disc to load it. How can I get new version of 888? Is it possible?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Unfortunately, this game does not exist anymore. This means that there is no possibility to install it again or to obtain it. I would like to recommend you to install another mahjong game. Since there are plenty, you can use the database of Software Informer to look for an alternative. If you want just the free ones, tick the Free Only option next to the search field.

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