Can I re-use an application?

+1 vote
asked by about Adobe Acrobat
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I have purchased a new computer & the old Adobe Acrobat software is not compatible with the operating system on my new computer. So I am required to purchase an upgrade of Adobe Acrobat for my new system. Is it legal for to pass the old version of Adobe Acrobat to my sister that will work on her system?

commented by (120 points)
I don't think it will

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (14.7k points)

By the End User agreement you agree to Adobe that you will not re-distribute the software. The software you have purchased can be used in a computer you are using. So I think it would be illegal.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (329k points)
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If the application is the professional version of Adobe Acrobat, then you will have the possibility to install it along with the license you're currently using which means that you can't install it on her computer and use the same license as well. Two separate versions need to be purchased in order to work with it. I believe that Adobe will disable the cd-key and issue you a new one to use with the upgraded application.

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