Request for license transfer.

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Dear Persoft-Team,

Our client Rolls-Royce Controls and Data Services Limited (formally Aero Engine Controls) located at (Shaftmoor Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 8SW) has instructed us (SoftwareONE Deutschland GmbH, Neckargartacher Strasse 90 D-74080 Heilbronn, Germany), to evaluate the license terms for specific software products, which shall be transferred from the current legal entity to a new legal entity.

Below are your products listed, which shall be transferred: • SmarTerm Office

We kindly request the current EULA (end user license agreement) and the provisions required for the transfer of the software license(s) mentioned above. If you currently do not have a license transfer template available, we offer to prepare a template for you in order to execute the transfer of the software license(s). Please don't hesitate to cantact me:

Kind regards, Swetlana Kislicyn

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

After a few search queries, I concluded that SmartTerm Office is a product developed by Esker. I've also used the Persoft-Team along with the search strings, but nothing came up in terms of software correlation which means that you will have to reach to Esker website and get in touch with the support team, because the Persoft-Team might be just a reseller/local distributor. Since there is no info about Persoft-Team, the direct contact is recommended.

They will also provide all the necessary details related to licence transfer/activation/purchasing etc.

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