I want to know if FP93 is compatible with PLC or NOR.

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I have a 3 zone split tube furnace of 100 mm(OD) x 93 mm(ID) x 1200 mm(Length), working temp max is 1200C.

I need the furnace to be controlled by my PLC (i.e i want to perform the following functions through my PLC):

  • Time and Temperature(PV, SV) i.e; recipe control
  • Display Message for temperature safety Interlock

I should be able to save and open temperature flow diagram. I want to control the operation of valves with respect to the temperature and time (i.e we want our PLC software to use the furnace temperature and time to control the valves operation)

I want to know that do you have such PID controller which is compatible with PLC, (i.e can we make the input programming steps using your PID controller from PLC?)

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

The FP93 is a PLC compatible controller which means it has full support. Besides that, the manufacturer released a vast PDF file with explanations on how to configure the controller to work with PLC and other features. What you're asking is a bit complicated, but the PDF file should answer to all the questions you might have in relation to FP93 and PLC as well as PID controller.

Download PDF: http://www.shimaden.co.jp/english/support/manual/pdf/fp93_communication.pdf

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