Followers can't be found.

0 votes
asked by about PinAutomation - Traffic Robot
edited by

Could someone please tell me why Pinbot is giving me an error saying, "no followers found?". I have the correct URL pasted into the empty box, but I get the error on any URL I put in. Is there a solution for this problem?

2 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (77.9k points)

It's possible that you encounter this error due to an internal error of the application. To fix this, you need to update the application's version to the latest version available. Make sure that the program isn't blocked by Windows Firewall or the Firewall from your antivirus program. This can also be the reason why the error is encountered.

0 votes
answered by

Thank you so much Leonard.

I believe I have the latest version, but there's no website or support area to confirm.

The latest version I have is v1.2 - do you know the latest version Leonard?

I have Kaspersky (anti-virus, anti-malware). Not sure if Pinbot is blocked or not.?

Can you please reply and let me know where to go or how I can get a latest version?

Thanks so much Rob

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