How does the 20 Card Keno work? I downloaded the files but the games did not start.

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I downloaded the files. I am not a computer expert. I was expecting something that would download and start the game after I clicked the install button. So far I have not been able to play the game because I don't know which of these files is the game.

When I download the files nothing happened. So I opened the files in Windows Explorer and there were 12 files. I clicked on each one but none started the game.

Do you have a simpler 20 Card Keno version that starts once it's installed? Or would you please send me the instructions on which file is the actual game file and how to get it to start.

Thank you,

J. Rose

commented by (670 points)
Could you please get us a list of files you downloaded?
Is there a file with name 'Setup.exe'?
commented by (100 points)
moved by


I downloaded: cnet2_20cardsetup_zip. I clicked on the install button and this is what I got.

These are the files:

_INST32I (type:EX_file) _ISDEL (type: Application) _SETUP.1 (type: 1 file) _SETUP.DLL (type: Application extension) _SETUP.LIB (type: LIB file) AUTORUN (type: Setup information) DISK1.ID (type: ID file) SETUP (type: Application) SETUP (type: Configuration setting) SETUP.INS (type: INS file) SETUP.ISS (type: ISS file)

Is there an easy to download, install, and play version? I checked a couple of other forums and the comments were that this software may not work with Windows 7. If this is the case do you know of a Windows 7 version?

Thank you for your help.

SETUP.PKG (type: PKG file)

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (2.4k points)

In this heap of files you ended up with, there's actually the one you're after - 'SETUP (type: Application)'. In plain words, this is the 'setup.exe' file that you need to run in order to install the game.

I'd say the blame is on CNet: it's no fun making users install something and then look for another installation file in order to actually install the software they want. The original .zip file of the game, distributed by Mike Altmanshofer (the developer of Twenty-card Keno) requires nothing more than unzipping and running the setup.exe file. So, to be safe, just head over to Mike's home page and download the game from there.

This page should point you in the right direction: 20 Card Keno at SI.

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