Installation guide for the patch.

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asked by about WebCTRL Service Pack 1
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I have webCTRL 4.1 service pack 1. To install the patch, by following ALC website procedure is to download WC41SP1_Service_Pack_1b.update file. But this file is a ZIP file. If I use WebCTRL, to go to CFG > Update > Browse, and select this ZIP file, can WebCTRL take it directly without having me to unzip it?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)

No. The program doesn't have the ability to install the update if this is in a ZIP file. Zip files are used for transferring large or multiple files. There isn't a program that can access and use files that are in a ZIP archive directly. In this matter, you should extract the files first, and then perform the update.

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