How do I access the blue characters on my keyboard?

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I have a Compaq laptop and want to access the blue characters on the keyboard. I have pressed the FN button but nothing happens. Also pressed Alt, CTRL+ ALT - no result. What should I do?

2 Answers

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answered by (340 points)

do you mean Bluetooth character? To activate Bluetooth on your compaq laptop need bluetooth device driver. you can download driver software from compaq official wed sit each model has its own unique drive software so, make sure that your are downloading yours

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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For many laptops the only way to enable functionality for those buttons is through a driver, even if sometimes these buttons work without drivers. The first thing to do is to install the necessary driver.

To download the driver use the HP (Compaq) Support website and type the model number of your laptop. You can find the model number on the back of the laptop on a sticker.


Download the driver from the INPUT category and restart the laptop. After this procedure, the buttons will work normally.

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