Information about computer software.

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Hello any one with the knowledge of software development please help me out to create a software as per my requirement:

  1. The software should have the ability to input data/info, as per my requirements with the following fields like: image upload, name of the image, details of the image uploaded and other various fields as required.

  2. The software must have the ability to export the entered data/info as per details along with the image/images and so on.

Help will be appreciated.

2 Answers

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answered by

Try using Virustotal to scan your target. Read on these how-to solutions if you have trouble uninstalling software on Windows.

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

The best place to start with this requirement is Odesk or Freelance. You can register for an account and then you can also post for a job offer for all the developers available on the website. You can use Google Search to reach the websites. I, however, recommend Odesk which is more practical and easy to use with the available jobs.

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