My Epson WF-2530 printer does not print Excel formats & PDF

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I've been facing this problem for a while now and still have no result. I use a lot of PDF files and most of my work and companies that I work with send their attachments in PDF format and I am unable to print them. Yes. I did set my printer to default. Yes. I did check my Avast Anti Virus. What is going on with these settings and these printers?

I've looked through Google and realized that a lot of people have the same problem with their Microsoft Office programs especially Word and Excel.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (460 points)

This error occurs if one have small amount of RAM. Giving multiple printing commands can be the cause too. Please check the number of files ready to get printed (Right-down printer icon in the Windows taskbar) There may be multiple files getting loaded to be printed which may hinder the printing process. Delete them and try to give a single print command and wait for sometime. If the error persists try to reinstall the printer hardware.

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No avatar answered by (236k points)
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Yes, there have been reports regarding this issue, and most users choose to return the device to the support service. However, this is the first time I hear about the problems with printing PDF or Excel files. I recommend reinstalling the driver along with all the apps supported by the application. You can download them through the link posted below:

Drivers page:

Note: Select the operating system first, then download the drivers and utilities.

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