ActKey removal and reinstallation

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asked by about OKI ActKey

My OKI printer is a 5462 MPF. I had problems with WIFI connection and removed ActKey and wanted to reeinstall the program later having solved the WIFI problem. But the installation progam keeps saying "This setup will perform an upgrade of" - and completes the installation very quick with a FINISH - and without possibility to select a repair or reinstall. Suspect that the removal has not completed sucessfully (this text was never displayed). Did try to run unregister.exe. My opereating system is Windows 8.1 Any suggestions of how I can complete the removal and do a reinstall of ActKey?

Knud Benkjaer, Denmark

1 Answer

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answered by

Problem solved. Registry still contained the below reference to "utilities\actkey" after uninstallation: HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products\FE28B186754A9484AACBB5069983F05A\SourceList Deleted the entry and reinstallation of ActKey could be sucessfully completed.

Knud Benkjaer, Denmark

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