KML or KMZ to DWG or PDF conversion

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How can I convert KML or KMZ to DWG or PDF?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (9.6k points)

I don't know yet of a tool to perform this type of conversion directly, but I think you could download and use any of these two:

to convert the KML or KMZ to CSV, and converting from CSV to PDF or DWG is way easier ( a lot of tools are available on the Internet that let you convert CSV to PDF/DWG ).

Another way would be to install and use a virtual PDF printer that lets you create PDF documents from any kind of printable file. Just google "virtual pdf printer" and you'll find plenty.

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you can use software (gpsexpert) to convert kml or kmz to dxf then open it by autocad then you can save it as dwg or plot it as pdf

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