How can I remove Win32/Miuref.gen!A from my Windows Vista PC?

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How can I remove Win32/Miuref.gen!A from my Windows Vista PC?

3 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Win32/Miuref.gen!A is a malicious program that usually freezes and breaks down your system. Mostly, this Trojan enters your computer while you are downloading free applications from an unknown source. I suggest you use the Microsoft Malware Protection Center solution in order to remove this threat.

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No avatar answered by (840 points)
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Hi. Win32/Miuref.gen!A is a rather dangerous Trojan virus that could open a backdoor in the system to help its creators steal your sensitive information. It will make changes to many important settings as well as files. It's advisable to get rid of Win32/Miuref.gen!A Trojan so as to prevent great damage and loss with a fast and free guide.

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No avatar answered by (180 points)

To remove Win32/Miuref.gen!A from your Windows Vista PC, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Restart your computer into Safe Mode with Networking

Win 7/Vista:

Restart your PC, as the computer is booting press and hold “F8 Key” on your

keyboard, which will bring up the “Windows Advanced Options Menu”. Use Up-Down arrow keys from your keyboard to move to “Safe Mode with Networking” and

press your Enter key to go on.

Step 2: End running process

Win 7/Vista:

Right click on the taskbar and click “Start Task Manager”. While Windows Task Manager appears, switch to its Processes tab, find out and click

End Process button block the processes related to this Trojan virus.

[random name].exe

Step 3: Show hidden files and folders

Win 7/Vista:

Click on the Start button on the left corner of the screen and select Control Panel

from the Start menu list. Click on Appearance and Personalization link. Double-click Folder Options to open it. Navigate to the View tab, select the radio button labeled Show hidden files, folders,

or drives and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) at Advanced

Settings column. Then click OK to apply the change.

Step 4: Navigate to directory and delete all related files

%AppData%\.exe %AppData%\p1.exe %CommonAppData%. %Temp%[random].bat

Step 5: Clean up registry entries

Click “Start” button and go to “Run”, type “regedit” into the run box and press

the “Enter” key or “Ok” button to continue. When the Registry Editor opens, search for the registry keys and delete all of them.

Step 6: Restart your machine

If you have any doubt, you can refer to this post:

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