My antivirus detected that this program infected my computer. Is this program a virus?

+1 vote
asked by (960 points) about Your Uninstaller!
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My antivirus detected that this program infected my computer. Is this program a virus?

3 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (193k points)

In no way Your Uninstaller is known as a virus. This is a utility application used to remove applications from PC. It may use different techniques to delete files and that's why is detected as virus, but I can assure you it's a false alarm.

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (14.7k points)

You may have turned on the option for scanning the potentially unwanted programs in your anti-virus program. There is no need to worry as the Your uninstaller! is perfectly clean of virus.

But make sure you downloaded from the correct website.

0 votes
answered by (960 points)

In case digital signature of DAEMON Tools setup file is valid, we guarantee you that our software does not contain any harmful code. All binary and executable files of installed DAEMON Tools are also signed with our official digital certificate. Please, upgrade your virus database for antivirus and check the problem, it possibly was so-called "false-positive detection".

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