Error in Windows activation. i receive the following error 0xc004F063.

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No avatar asked by (14.7k points)
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I recently updated my bios (Intel Pentium). Windows started to show that it is not Genuine. When I reinserted the serial key it displayed as follows:

I retyped the product key several times. I also reinstalled my Bios. I also tried the command prompt method of Microsoft

slmgr –upk

slmgr –ipk (your product key)

It did not work either.

Please tell me any other way.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (2k points)
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Best answer

Your BIOS may contain something called SLIC (software licensing description table), updating your BIOS may have reseted that and you lost the Licensing store. I recommend you re-create it manually, to do that you must: Make sure you are logged in as Administrator. Click the Start button and type "cmd.exe" in the search field and open it.

Type(fallowing the order of the numbers):

  1. net stop sppsvc
  2. cd %windir%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
  3. rename tokens.dat
  4. cd %windir%\system32
  5. net start sppsvc
  6. slui.exe

Now you should see Windows Activation dialog appear. Proceed by typing your Windows product key.

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