I need a setup website builder.

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asked by (120 points)
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I want to download a website creating software. Could you please help me download it ?

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (2k points)

I would like to recommend Servage Website Builder, you don't need to have any knowledge about HTML and it also has a easy to use interface. This application works on Windows systems.

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No avatar answered by (1.1k points)

Building a website for any business is important to have its online presence on the web. Having a well designed website helps the business to attract more customers to its website.If you are not technically sound then you should take help of online website builder.A website builder helps in designing a well designed website that has synchronized and simple navigation along with attractive theme. I have taken online website building services from Bigrock.com. You can check all details at their site. http://www.bigrock.com/website-builder/

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