Would a July 2011 download of Arc2Google work with ArcGIS 10.2?

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asked by about Arc2Google
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We downloaded Arc2Google in the form of a ZIP file called Arc2Google1_2_ags10.zip in 2011. The time stamp on our copy of the file is July 11 2011. There are instructions in a file contained in the ZIP file called Readme.txt, which say 'For 10 and above go to Arc2Google\2010\Binary folder and simply click "register32.bat"'. And 'For 9.2 and above Go to Arc2Google\2008\Binary folder and simply click "register.bat"'.

Can you tell me, please, is this still the latest version of Arc2Google and would it work with ArcGIS 10.2?

1 Answer

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answered by (264k points)
Best answer

The compatibility of this application is applicable to ArcGIS 10.1. Since 2011, there were no other updates that could indicate the compatibility with ArcGIS 10.2. Theoretically, the application is not compatible with ArcGIS 10.2 but you could try using the instructions posted on the homepage to import/add the libraries to ArcGIS 10.2.

commented by (100 points)
Thanks Stephen, much appreciated.

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