I can't use Kindlean.

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asked by about Kindlean
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I tried to use Kindlean with my Kindle touch, but the program informs me to disconnect it and restart it. I did it, but I do not know how to do the remaining instructions, such as: D) exit, then R).... diagnostic mode ì, etc. How can I use the diagnostic mode?. I use Windows 8 on my laptop.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (236k points)

If you still have the application, contact the developers using the following email support@alfaebooks.com. The developers don't offer any information anymore because Kindlean was acquired by Amazon. Secondly, simply use the instructions posted within the software, meaning that once you click the device, the process to enter diagnostic mode should be pretty straight forward. You can still download the application through the download page at Software Informer.

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